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Reiner has been in the caravan industry for more than 40 years.  The teardrops started out as a project just for us and have grown from there. Here you will see photos of our original teardrops in the making.

build teardrop trailer chassis building teardrop camper
Starting from scratch Chassis Add some sides
build teardrop trailer build camper kitchen making a camper trailer
Kitchen started Kitchen inside Coming together
making a camper trailer camper trailer fibreglass mudguard moulds
Fibre-glass sides From the front Mudguard moulds
fibreglass mudguards inside towards back.jpg (20566 bytes) building teardrop trailer
Mudguard moulds 2 Speakers fitted Silver too!
First Aussie Teardrop Camper Aussie Teardrop Campers lightweight camping
White finished! Silver finished! Ready to go

To keep up to date on progress with each new teardrop, check out our Yahoo! Group Teardrop Campers.

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This site has borrowed images from tear-droppers around the world.  
Any copyright infringements are by accident only, and we would be happy to address any issues as soon as we are notified.
