buy, build or sell, we are here to help! |
If you are looking for a different way to travel, check out |
Buying or Selling a Home-Built Teardrop Camper?As you can see, we we are happy to create homepages so you can show off your building expertise. Once you have finished building your teardrop, we will even help you sell it by advertising on our 2nd Hand Teardrop page. Be prepared to stick with it - A teardrop trailer is a great projectA teardrop is a simple concept, however, there is a little more to building one than you first might think. There are a few half built teardrops in sheds and garages around the country as their well intentioned builders hit obstacles, discovered that the cost of building is higher than they thought or found new projects and other distractions. Our teardrops take about 140 hours to build and that is with practice, jigs and templates. So if you are confident that you have the skills and time to make your own teardrop and you are looking for a project to sink your teeth into, we are more than happy to help out. We love teardrops in all varieties and are keen to see what others come up with. The main thing is to get out their and enjoy the great outdoors, and teardrops are a great way to do just that. Registering a Home Built Teardrop CamperThe cost and paper work required to register a home built camper trailer depends on which Australian state you live in and the weight of your camper. We have included links to the relevant pages of various transport authorities, however, some are easier to find and to follow than others (and some agencies keep changing their links!). Some have information specific to trailers/caravans and some don't. If someone finds more appropriate links, I would be happy to add them.
Other projects
Or how about converting a popular van to a camper? Myles and Nikki from DIY RV Solutions build all sorts of fibreglass components. They manufacture a range of showers, pop-up roofs and other parts to suit popular vans for converting to light motor homes and campervans. |
This site has borrowed images from
tear-droppers around the world. |