Colin Hayward

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I am a retired panel beater and coach builder and have always enjoyed working with my hands.  I built the house we live in and found working with wood a nice change to metal and an interesting challenge.  After completing my dream of rebuilding/ restoring an EH ute, I was Bored! Bored! Bored!

Lorraine suggested I needed a new project, and after we saw a teardrop caravan behind a '34 Ford while we were an holidays in Warrnambool she asked me to build one to go behind the EH. After checking out info on the computer and a lot of phone calls to Reiner of Aussie Teardrop Campers, I started building one on the 15th June 2008. I really enjoyed building my first teardrop camper, and have lots of ideas for another.


  • Length: 2.5m (8') body only, 3.8m (12'6") body including tow bar
  • Width: 1.5m (5') body only, 2.0m (6'7") body including mudguards
  • Height: 1.65m (5'5")
  • Weight: 380kg
  • Chassis: 50mm x 70mm x 3mm
  • Springs: 5 leaf
  • Wheels: 13"
  • Frame: Hardwood
  • Cladding: exterior - aluminium powder coated clear, interior - panel board
  • Twin security doors (glass/wire)
  • Rolled stainless steel rear bumper bar
  • Towbar storage box - height: 360mm (14") width: 1.06m (3'6")
  • Laminated kitchen
  • LED lighting
  • 240V/ 12V power (certificate)
  • Queen size bed (new)
  • Radio/ TV/ microwave, 1 burner portable gas stove


Colin Hayward's teardrop, built in Newlands Arm, Vic 2008.  0418 146 126

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